So for Christmas I decided that all the small humans in my life needed their own superhero t-shirts. For the wee-est ones they're obviously more presents for the parents, but those over the age of four had quite the grasp on which symbols went with which superheroes. Indoctrinate the next generation of geeks early, I say!
All the designs were done with homemade stencils, and a combination of discharging dye for the pale bits, and fabric paint and pens. I was asked a while back to do a tutorial on making stencil designs and discharging dye which I'm in the process of getting together. The more people who prod me about, the quicker I'll get it done!
So, without further ado, I present my mini-heroes.
The Flash one is, I think, my favourite. Although I did have a minor wibble when it was finished about it looking printed and not actually appearing handmade, which is kinda the point. This prompted only mocking from my partner however, so no sympathy for me.

This Superman logo is a bit alternative in terms of colours but basically I started colouring in the wrong bit and decided to make the best of a bad job! Ooops. (No one tell the small human who received this pressie!)

I can never resist a tiny Batman logo!

Captain America. Nothing much to say on this one.

This Superboy one also came out great. There was a bit more freehand involved in this so I was worried it wouldn't come out well. But I never know nuffin' apparently. Seemingly easy projects turn out to be nightmares and things that concern me end up looking great!

Now this was an absolute nightmare. It looks fine from some angles, but from others it can appear mottled, almost tie-dyed. It's like (as I described here on twitter at the time) an undercover Green Lantern at Woodstock. I had previous problems with discharging dye on a green t-shirt, so I'm theorizing that it's something in the very nature of green dye to come out oddly. Shall experiment some more and report back.

More photos can be found over at my Flickr photstream here.