This idea could definitely get very addictive. But the way I'm doing it is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrryy time consuming*, and therefore clearly not a sensible thing to continue with in this manner, as I very much doubt people world pay $150 or something equally ridiculous for t-shirts like these. I'm looking into cafepress right now and am also going to experiment with t-shirt transfer stuff.
But for now, some words for Buffy and/or Princess Bride fans.
*I'm making these by hand with guidelines and fabric paint applied with a cocktail stick. On average it takes me about two minutes to do each letter. It's ridiculous.
Tomorrow I'll post my favourite of the bunch, even though it took me FOUR BLOODY DAYS. It was worth it though.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Well, I did indeed decide to add "darling" to my "specificity" t-shirt. (Of course I did, I have no idea why I thought I might not.)
I have also let my imagination run away with me on many other definition shirts, which I'll post over the next few days, once I'm done swearing at photoshop. (I seem to spend an inordinate amount of my time arguing with technology.)
So now this:
has this on the back:
I have also let my imagination run away with me on many other definition shirts, which I'll post over the next few days, once I'm done swearing at photoshop. (I seem to spend an inordinate amount of my time arguing with technology.)
So now this:
has this on the back:
Yes, I put the definition of darling on my arse. It seemed appropriate at the time.
I also laid this one out with justified text, I though Arthur would approve.
Yeah, so. Inception has totally taken over my brain and invaded my crafting time. So this happened.
There's probably too many ideas on here for one t-shirt really. If I decide to make any shirts for my shop I'll probably only put one or two on, rather than all six.
I may not actually be able to put Ellen Page in my pocket, but I can put Ariadne's totem on my pocket.
I may not actually be able to put Ellen Page in my pocket, but I can put Ariadne's totem on my pocket.
A brief sidenote about having succumbed to fanon regarding Eames's totem being a poker chip: whilst away visiting family in August, in my first flush of omigodinceptionisthecoolestthingever-itis I found a long abandoned blue poker chip under a chair. Since picking it up I have not let anyone touch it, and when we got back I carved some notches and marks into it. This is crazy-fan behaviour, even for me - on the whole, I am not a superstitious person. But for some reason I have clung to this poker chip like it is the most precious thing ever. So when fandom decided the poker chip was Eames's totem I was more than happy to play along.
And here's the back of the shirt:
You get two pictures of this bit as I'm rather proud of it. Apparently I'm very into typography this month, as well as obsessing over Inception.
I'm nearly done adding "darling" to the specificity t-shirt, along with another couple of definition shirts which I ought to post soon.
A while ago I started experimenting with two-tone stencils for t-shirt designs. I made a Flight of the Conchords tee, and then made an Enterprise one. So when I embarked upon a t-shirt with the Enterprise D on it, I figured it was time for another tutorial post, since the bleached-out t-shirt design tutorial went down quite well. I'm going to link to my LJ here, because I'm more familiar with their code, so the tutorial for a t-shirt like this is here.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
I think it's fair to say that I have seriously lost momentum with this project. Progress is sloooooo-ooooow. I will not list the things I blame for this, for fear of sounding like a broken record. But one of the best things about this blog is that I can look back at previous large cross stitch projects and know that I always do this. It flies along really fast and easy, and then it gets hard and I start anthropomorphizing colours and threads and getting into arguments with things inanimate, and then somehow, somewhere, I find my sanity and reach the home stretch and it starts getting easier. And then when I finish, I love the project and seem to forget the moments where I nearly tore it apart. So hopefully that third stage will kick in soon. And at least this time I have outside influences to blame rather than just shrieking about how pale colours are evil.
Here's how Serenity looks today:

And here's a close up where you can actually tell that I've started putting in some of the darker colours:

And while I'm here, my TLDR bag got featured in a green and purple themed treasury over at etsy. I'd always encourage y'all to check these kind of things out cos there are so many amazing crafters and artists on etsy (so much better than me!) and you never know what you might find over there!
Here's how Serenity looks today:
And here's a close up where you can actually tell that I've started putting in some of the darker colours:
And while I'm here, my TLDR bag got featured in a green and purple themed treasury over at etsy. I'd always encourage y'all to check these kind of things out cos there are so many amazing crafters and artists on etsy (so much better than me!) and you never know what you might find over there!
Monday, 13 September 2010
And so it begins. I've started making Inception-inspired crafts. This may well end up being more of an epic obsession than Star Trek t-shirts. And since I'm not even over that obsession, I really shouldn't be adding another one. Anyway...
This was made, believe it or not, pretty much free hand. I had some guidelines on it in dressmakers' chalk, and then made it with fabric paint and a cocktail stick, because none of my brushes were fine enough to do the lettering properly.

I've always gotta sneak a hipstamatic pic in somewhere!

You can totally tell it's hand drawn at a close up, but it's neat enough to get away with I think.

I can't believe that this is something I haven't thought to do before. I'm seriously considering putting the dictionary definition of "darling" on the back of the t-shirt. Should I?
I'm also going to expand this idea to some of my other fandoms. Only one I've definitely decided on so far is to do a Buffy-themed "effulgent" t-shirt. Give me some ideas for others!
This was made, believe it or not, pretty much free hand. I had some guidelines on it in dressmakers' chalk, and then made it with fabric paint and a cocktail stick, because none of my brushes were fine enough to do the lettering properly.
I've always gotta sneak a hipstamatic pic in somewhere!
You can totally tell it's hand drawn at a close up, but it's neat enough to get away with I think.
I can't believe that this is something I haven't thought to do before. I'm seriously considering putting the dictionary definition of "darling" on the back of the t-shirt. Should I?
I'm also going to expand this idea to some of my other fandoms. Only one I've definitely decided on so far is to do a Buffy-themed "effulgent" t-shirt. Give me some ideas for others!
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Monday, 6 September 2010
I am currently an organizational disaster zone. While there are many reasons for this, I am mostly blaming Inception fandom. Yes, still.
So, here's some things wot I made.

Both of these are going up in my shop later this week (yes, I know I said that last week and still haven't listed everything, but I really am determined to get sorted this week!). Please feel free to tell me to shut up about things I'm selling if it starts getting annoying!
So, here's some things wot I made.
Both of these are going up in my shop later this week (yes, I know I said that last week and still haven't listed everything, but I really am determined to get sorted this week!). Please feel free to tell me to shut up about things I'm selling if it starts getting annoying!
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