I've been going through a bit of a creative cranky period the last few months. I've got about eight potential projects on the go, but no completed patterns. So a few weeks ago I decided to just do something fun, and I figured something with limited colours would be easier to work up a pattern for and much less headache-y to stitch. And I was so right.
I stitched 6931 stitches, made up of 35 metres of 9 different colours of thread in just over two weeks. In comparison, the
Serenity cross stitch was only a little over a thousand stitches more, and yet it took me nearly six months. That's a ridiculous variance of stitching speed! Clearly, fewer colours means much easier stitching, and the magic cross stitch fabric helped too (more on that later).
So, here's a Powerpuff Girls cross stitch made of joy and stress-free stitching!

A close up, because I am so happy with this piece!
A work in progress pic, that is slightly freaky - Blossom looks like some kind of freaky zombie rabbit without the black outlining stitched in! But it does show off my new discovery - magic fabric. Guide lines already printed on the fabric that wash out when you're finished. Genius. It has made my life so much simpler. I will never stitch large projects on anything else ever again!