And thus this happened:
This one's my absolute favourite. Both the stencil and the printing worked out so perfectly, and the design's really clear and sharp, as you can see here (although that pic doesn't capture the gold as well as this one):
A comics' fan geek:
Another Lord-of-the-Rings type geek:
This Blade Runner-esque geek came out with a weird ragged white border which you can see better here. I think the stencil must have contracted some while the white base was drying. It's totally unintended but I actually really like how it turned out.
Matrixy geek:
Buffy geek (why do I keep making Buffy type crafts on bright pink? Buffy isn't a hot pink kind of show, so why do I keep making that association? Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C.) :
And of course we need an Angel one to go with:
A Supernatural geek:
Star Wars-y geek:
A Battlestar Galactica geek (while I was working out the font I also made a shirt with 'frak' on it, which I'll post soon):
I am so keeping this one for myself:
Oh hai, nerd! How did you sneak in here?
Why on earth did I ever buy a day-glo orange t-shirt? Why?
More retro geekery:
Back to the Future:
Again, Terminator doesn't make me think purple sparklyness but for some reason this made sense to me at the time:
This Aliens geek has a gold trim to it, which doesn't show up so well in this pic:
Yet more Lord of the Rings inspiration (so much good typography in the books and the movies!):
And of course there's geeks aplenty for Star Trek, in original series, the motion picture, and next generation flavours:
And then I had to print some bags too:
As always, there are more photos at my Flickr album here. And since I'm being particularly shameless today I'll point out that most of these t-shirts will be available to buy from my etsy shop here. Custom orders are always appreciated - if you want something uniquely geeky to you, I'm happy to make it!
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