Tuesday 12 July 2011

Star Trek crafts: I Wish I Knew How To Quit You

I may have made a few too many cross stitched Star Trek badges here. I didn't mean to fill a whole sheet of cross stitch fabric with them, but somehow I did. I'd just add another one every so often when I was between projects, and then somehow I ended up with twenty of them (these are just the ones that came out best!). A worrying number of my projects lately have felt somewhat involuntary. I am possessed by some strange spirit of craftiness. Weird.

Anyway, have some Star Trek insignia. They're all on 58mm (2 1/4") badges. And if anyone wants a pattern for any of these just ask!

all star trek badges
So many badges!

star trek medical

star trek red

star trek gold black

star trek blue command
This particular metallic thread is the most evil metallic thread ever. And that is saying something.

star trek tng white gold

star trek science

star trek ensignia

star trek blue

star trek gold circle

star trek yellow command

star trek tng

star trek yellow

star trek engineering

star trek yellow circle

star trek red command

And a Klingon one too!

star trek klingon


Still not caught up on the interwebs and/or my own life yet, but I feel like I'm getting closer now. Just got to concentrate on getting one thing done at a time!

  This entry was originally posted at http://anonymityblaize.dreamwidth.org/51502.html.


  1. My girlfriend just started with stitching and would freak out, if I were able to present to her these patterns, since she is a huge Star Trek fan. That would be great! Brilliant work on the Inception stitch, by the way :D

  2. Wow, these badges are amazing! I know I'm years late but I'd love the Original Series and TNG badges patterns, thank you

  3. I would love the patterns for these. I work in a doctor’s office and one of our patients is getting married in the fall and he’s a huge Trekkie and I want to make him a cross stitch with his wedding date on it in a Star Trek theme. I could put all these insignias around the edges with their names in the middle and their wedding date. My email is ppmtp@yahoo.com. Thank you.

  4. It would be nice to have some of these in time for ST:TC4
